Diagnosis and treatment planning.

The guidance notes for dental practitioners on the safe use of X-ray equipment, published in 2020, set out the training requirements related to CBCT use.
Level 1 course is a pre-requisite for Dentists who will undertake Level 2 training.
Diagnosis and treatment planning.
Explain the basic principles and limitations of CBCT imaging.
Discuss the differences between 2D and 3D imaging.
Explain the risks of CBCT and describe how to minimise radiation risks to the patient (radiation protection, optimisation).
Discuss the responsibilities of a CBCT referrer with regards to clinical information for justification purposes.
Explain what clinical and disease conditions would and would not benefit from CBCT imaging (selection criteria).
Recognise normal anatomy of the teeth and supporting structures.
Recognise the more common imaging artefacts.
Explain who should provide a radiological report. Discuss the contents of a radiologist's report and its influence on patient treatment.
Explain why guidelines are important and have an understanding of a dentist’s legal and ethical responsibilities in their various roles of being referrer, practitioner and operator.
Our programme provides surgical experience as well as world-class lectures to give you a sound theoretical foundation. This course now includes CBCT Level 1 and level 2
Our programme provides a surgical experience and world-class lectures to help grow your confidence with full jaw implant treatment.
This course gives an opportunity to either restore the same implants that were placed in the previous residency in Brazil or take a more local course over a few days in London at one of our established premises.
Have questions? Get in touch and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.
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